This Valentine’s Day, Foxy and Giuliano on the brmb breakfast show (The radio station that belongs to Birmingham) announced the launch of the ‘Naked Wedding’.
The competition will seek to find a couple to experience a very special wedding in an all paid affair.
The wedding which will take place in March will give a bride and groom the best event possible for their special day.
Programme Director – Paul Kaye – sees the wedding as an exciting opportunity to raise the profile of marriage at a time when there is a massive interest in the forthcoming ‘wedding season’ and the Royal Wedding!
“At this time of year lots of people are starting to plan their weddings we thought this was a unique way to celebrate what is a huge event in people’s lives. ”
“I know people will question the concept of the ‘Naked Wedding’ but the first couple Adam and Eve were naked and we are asking this couple to come to the wedding with no inhibitions, nothing hidden and totally honest. Why shouldn’t it become another way that people celebrate weddings just like the first ‘married’ couple”
brmb gained world notoriety for its first wedding in 1999 ‘Two Strangers and a Wedding’ in which two complete strangers married before meeting. The event has been recognised as the first ever ‘Ultimate Reality Media’ event and dubbed by the media as the most shocking radio event since ‘Orson Welles started the War of the Worlds.’
Paul says: “We aren’t replicating that wedding but brmb has always been known for pushing out the boundaries and we are being experimental but challenging and honest and hopefully exciting.”
as if!