[slideshow]Hollyoaks stars, Rachel Shenton, Rob Norbury and Craig Vye(three of the nicest prople i have ever taken photos of), did their first ever skydive in aid of deaf children, organised by the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) at weston on the green , Oxfordshire. Rachel Shenton, who plays Mitzeee Minniver on Hollyoaks, has personal experience of deafness and is passionate about ensuring deaf children get the right support they need and the right start in life. Rachel Shenton said: “I’m really excited to do my first skydive in aid of NDCS. I hope lots of people will join me for this incredible experience and help raise money for deaf children. “The cause is very close to my heart and I’m proud to be supporting NDCS in helping deaf children overcome the challenges they face in everyday life.” Rachel’s late father was deaf in the last two years of his life. At 16, Rachel began learning British Sign Language (BSL) and gained Level 3 in BSL. She also worked as a BSL interpreter and volunteered for dDeaflinks, a charity in Staffordshire, running drama workshops for deaf children. Rob Norbury, who plays Riley Costello on Hollyoaks, said: “It’s fantastic to be helping out NDCS in providing vital services to deaf children and supporting them to have a brighter future. I’m excited and a little nervous about doing my first ever skydive!” Craig Vye, who plays detective Ethan Scott, said: “It’s an absolute pleasure to be supporting a charity which transforms the lives of many deaf children in a big way. We are really getting into the spirit of raising funds for the valuable cause.”. Helen Lerwill, NDCS Head of Community and Events, said: “95% of our work to help deaf children is funded by the public, so the commitment of people like Rachel, Rob and Craig is vital in helping us provide much-needed services to deaf children and young people.” Without the right support, deaf children are vulnerable to isolation, poor self-esteem and underachieve at school. to view all the photos goto my web site celebrityphotosuk.com or jump to my archives at http://celebrityphotosuk.photoshelter.com/
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